Friday, October 24, 2008

Music for the eyes !!

Hi everybody ,

this is to introduce myself ...I'm Louiz from Mumbai ....a composer and a musician ...  popularly known as the jazz man of India ....right now I dont have any earth shattering thoughts and ideas and views ....just that nagging thought that haunts me day and night ....we need to do something to elevate the music listening sensibilities of this country to a higher level ... right now nobody is really listening to music ..they only like to see music ....if they dont see music they are not interested .... so our junta is totally brainwashed with stereotyped music  and dancing from the holy land of Bollywood ..and the junta  dont have a choice .. Bollywood has the moolah and the media  [ tv /radio /cinema and the press ] want that moolah its a good partnership .. but hey there's more to music than Bollywood ... do you or dont you agree ...I need a show of hands !!!
talk to you later .. see ya !